Replacement carbon steel wire brush for Forney 70500 chipping hammer. Sturdy, high-quality, carbon steel wire brush set in hardwood with hang hole.
High carbon steel (straight head) chipping hammer. Tempered chisel on one end and point on the other. Black. Durable. All-purpose. Shockproof handle with loop for belthook.
High carbon steel (cross peen) chipping hammer. Tempered chisel on one end and point on the other. Black. Durable. All-purpose. Shockproof handle with loop for belthook.
Made of dropped forged steel and has a 18 oz, point and chisel head. Shock proof, spiral grip handle. Specially designed for welding applications. Black color.
Chipping hammer with wire brush tempered steel chisel to resist dulling during heavy-duty usage. Impact-resistant handle. Removable and replaceable brush (Forney 70501) for cleaning.